A study by Pflegepraxiszentrum (PPZ) Nürnberg show big effect from inmuRELAX in care: more calm and peaceful patients and reduced sleep problems.

Positive effect

Nursing home NürnbergStift

The study showed that inmuRELAX had positive effect in 85% of cases where it was used. The effect was more calm and peaceful residents.

The staff was also asked to evaluate the inmu. They concluded that inmuRELAX is a good tool for everyday care and to ease challenging situations. Especially when the inmu is used regularly.

Nursing home DIAKONEO

Saw positiv effect in 65% of cases where inmuRELAX was used. All residents had dementia and more than one behavioral challenge. The observed positiv effects includes that residents was calmed down, improved feeling of safety, relaxation or fell asleep. 

Background for the study

The goal with the project was to test

  •  if patients would accept the inmuRELAX
  • if restless patients would be more calm when using an inmuRELAX
  • if patients would fall asleep easier and sleep all night.

For the staff the goal was to test if the inmuRELAX used regularly would ease everyday situations or make nursing interventions and challenging situations easier.

The study was carried out over a period of 6 weeks at two nursing homes (NürnbergStift and DIAKONEO). 8 people pariciapated from NürnbergStift and 14 from DIAKONEO. Staff had got a short online training before start of the study.

The project was carried out in cooperation with research institute IDC of the SRH – Wilhelm Löhe University and the research institute IREM of the University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.


“Can I take the cushion home with me?”

“We need to talk to Mr. X’s family, he would definitely benefit from the cushion!”

“Finally a product that is easy to use!”

“The cushion makes participating residents calmer, we see the effect within a very short time!”

“Most of the residents react immediately to the RELAX, only with one participant did we need several attempts, but the third time he took the cushion himself.”

“The cushion is a real asset, wish we could keep it.”

“The podiatrist was with an anxious resident last week. The resident used to twitch her feet or try to pull them away, but she was calm with the cushion and her attention was on the cushion. The podiatrist found it much easier to care for her feet and the risk of injury was considerably lower.”

“I used the cushion on my night shifts or during rest periods. Before residents often got up again and again, but with the cushion were really relaxed.”

Quotes from NürnbergStift employees

Download the report: 2022_inmu Praxisbericht

Read article about the study and project here

Hear leading staff from PPZ Nürnberg explain about the project and the results.

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