About us
Anders Hansen and Toni Marquard are the founding couple behind the inmu technology. Their shared interest in improving quality of life resulted from a personal family experience with dementia. Together with composer Asger Steenholdt, designer Emilie Wiehe and their team of engineers, they launched the inmu in Autumn 2017. Since then it has improved the quality of life of many users throughout the world.

Being able to improve quality of life for people who need it most overwhelms me every day. We have done our best to make a beautiful and yet sophisticated tool that uses state-of-the-art technology to provide the possibility for everybody to feel and interact with a unique music universe.
An idea can come to you, and you just know that this is “something”! This idea, combined with personal experiences with dementia—my mother—and my own lifelong physical problems, became a journey into helping other people find calmness and develop their opportunities.
In the development of the inmu we focused on the functionality, but equally it has been about making a beautiful and sensual product that stands out from other welfare technological solutions. In this way it is not only a tool but becomes an object that appeals to our senses and feelings.
Asger Steenholdt
Jørgen Lauristsen
Rune R. B. Eskildsen
Mika Yunus Berger Sahbaz