We have been so privileged that healthcare professionals, scientists, and students have taken great interest in the inmu.

We have been working together with a broad field of interesting people, and more of the conclusions can now be seen in scientific studies.
These studies will be added as they are finished.

If you are interested in including the inmu in a study, we will be proud to share the inmu universe with you.

Dementia study

A study with 50 dementia patients over a four-weeek period showed that 2/3 of them achieved a better quality of life: Fewer daily-care conflicts, less anxiety, reduced use of sedatives, and better sleep.


Read more about the study here

German study: inmuRELAX had effect on 85% of the patients

A study by Pflegepraxiszentrum (PPZ) Nürnberg show big effect from inmuRELAX in care: more calm and peaceful patients and reduced sleep problems.


Read more about the study here 

Swedish study: inmuRELAX improves the quality of life for people with dementia

inmuRELAX helps eight out of ten people with dementia. This is the result of a new Swedish study conducted at three dementia homes in resp. Helsingborg, Lund and Norrköping.


Read more about the study here 

The Calming Effect of Using inmuRELAX for Patients with Mental Illness

A study in a psychiatric facility found that well-being improved in 9 out of 10 patients with the inmuRELAX. 

Read more about the study here 

Music Intervention for Stress Reduction

Together with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), a stress study was carried out and showed a quicker recovery from stressful situations amongst patients using the inmu.


See summary of the study here

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What is an inmu?

The inmu combines tactile and musical stimulation in a soft interactive cushion that …