We’re so proud to have the inmu included in scientific studies.
We will be adding studies as they are finished, so keep checking in.
If you are interested in including the inmu in a study, please let us know.
Dementia study
A study with 50 dementia patients over a four-weeek period showed that 2/3 of them achieved a better quality of life: Fewer daily-care conflicts, less anxiety, reduced use of sedatives, and better sleep.
Read more about the study here
The Calming Effect of Using inmuRELAX for Patients with Mental Illness
A study in a psychiatric facility found that well-being improved in 9 out of 10 patients with the inmuRELAX.
Read more about the study here
Forsøg med stress-reduktion
Sammen med Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) blev der lavet en stressundersøgelse, der viste, at patienter der brugte inmu‘en, fik en hurtigere bedring efter stressede situationer.
Se et resumé af forsøget her